Tuesday, 15 January 2008

In search of lost toys

Page: 274 (Guermantes Way)
Pages read since last post: 274
Number of episodes of Transformers watched since last post: 18
Number of days off work sick this week: 2/2
Number of kitchens flooded by neighbours: 1
Number of bedrooms ditto: 1

Just a shorty, am feeling very authentic as have had pneumonia (not just manflu) and have made inroads into book three as a result. Initial progress very slow but picked up when the narrator leaves Paris and the infatuated longings for a woman he could never have (and indeed should never have wanted as the narrator seems to imply).

Have been alternating Proust with old episodes of Transformers kindly loaned by M. Garrood. More or less as I remember it, but has made me surprisingly nostalgic for the actual toys themselves. This is perhaps unsurprising seeing as how each program is essentially a 20-minute long advert but still...

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